LYS KAL Support Package


Click for a one page printable version of this information.

Why a knit-a-long?

A local yarn store is the place where new knitters are created, where established knitters find inspiration and encouragement, and where all levels of knitters come together as a community to celebrate the art of knitting. One wonderful way to help build this community is the knit-a-long.

When a group of knitters all work on the same pattern they bond over challenges and successes. They support and enable one another to achieve the best work that they can.

While I cannot travel to every yarn store far and wide, however much I wish I could, I have devised the following package to support the local yarn stores who wish to have a knit-a-long using a pattern that I have designed.

What I would like to offer you.

  • Photographs for promotional purposes.
  • Complementary digital copy of pattern for teacher/sample maker.
  • Promotional paragraph for use in advertising and newsletters.
  • Yarn consultation via email to assist in pairing pattern with store yarn offerings.
  • Participation in store Ravelry group thread to support KAL. (If you do not have a Ravelry group a, thread can be started in the Barbara Benson Designs group.)
  • Prize package of Ravelry pattern downloads to be randomly awarded to one lucky individual who completes the KAL.

Why am I doing this? 

Firstly, for all of the reasons stated before. I strongly believe that the future of knitting lies within strong knitting communities centered around local yarn stores and I want to help you to succeed.

But it isn’t all altruism. Each knitter in a KAL will need to purchase their own pattern. This can be through the Ravelry LYS program or printed patterns are available from my distributor Stitch Sprouts. Hopefully these knitters will enjoy the KAL pattern and be inspired to further investigate my pattern catalog.

If this sounds like a good fit for your store please fill out the contact form below so that we can begin the planning of your next KAL!



