In Photography News

This past Spring I worked on a big photography project. I had to keep it secret, such is the nature of working on a book.

Yes, you heard me right. A book.

Not my book, but a book that I am beyond honored to be a part of. The very talented knitter Betty Salpekar has developed a completely new method of constructing socks … from the ground up.

Solefull Socks by Betty Salpekar

Holding it in my hands was surreal.

These socks are completely amazing. You begin with the sole and then work your way up. This has the benefit of being able to reinforce the entire sole and therefore lengthen the life of your sock.

Canyone Walls from Solefull Socks

Canyon Walls, see how the sole is different?

And the way the construction comes together creates socks that look radically different than your typical sock. Stitches go directions you don’t expect creating effects you would have never thought you can get.

Colorwork Argyle socks from Solefull Socks

Look at how the pattern moves!

It was a challenge to do these socks justice, but also fun to try and come up with new and creative ways of shooting 18 pairs of socks. Working to try and help fulfill someone else’s vision was a fascinating experience and pushed me to approach things in different ways.

Purl Trellis from Solefull Socks

There is something about this one I adore.

But I wanted to keep the feel of my photographic style in there also, assuming that is why Betty chose me in the first place. There are so many pictures from this book that I want to share with you, but it would be overwhelming. The book is available for pre-order on Amazon. And if you want to keep up to date with what is going on there is a Solefull Socks website.

If you will forgive me one more photo; frankly, I have a hard time believing it is real.

Solefull Socks, hand knit sock book

Humbled to be in such company.

A bit of this and that

Last week was eaten up by my inaugural Sinus Infection/Bronchitis for 2013. As much as I think y’all might be amused by me posting while on codeine laced cough medicine, I decided that it probably wasn’t a good idea. 😉

Remember Curiosity? You will not believe what happened! The fine knitters in the Malabrigo Junkies group on Ravelry selected Curiosity as one of the knit-a-long patterns for Malabrigo March. I am beside myself with happiness. Malabrigo March is a cast-on fest for all things Malabrigo. There are contests and KAL’s and all kinds of fun stuff going on over there. Would you believe that someone has already finished a version of the shawl in Twist? It is lovely and, judging by the notes on the project, HUGE. 80 inches long with 2 skeins.

If you like to play with yarn and are a Malabrigo lover, I highly recommend popping over. I will most likely be donating some prizes to the overall festivities and I am sure plenty of other prizes will be distributed.

Next up is the YEAR OF SOCK

We start at the very beginning.

We start at the very beginning.

I have started my first pair of socks for the year, and to be properly motivated I have joined a KAL. This one is in the Wollmeise Anon group on Ravelry. The idea behind this KAL is that it is a Cold-dead-hand along, in the vein of You will get this skein of yarn when you pry it from my cold dead hands. You are encouraged to wind up and knit with a skein of WM that you have been hoarding and petting and defending against all incursions.

Since pretty much all of my WM falls into that category I was able to pick out the color shown above. It is a We’re Different Rattenscharf. The regular version of this color has a great deal more red in it and the red goes into much brighter territory. I love this skein because it is all black and red, with the black almost predominant.

The flip side - you can really see the color.

The flip side – you can really see the color.

Would you believe I had to go down to zeros to get gauge(ish). The pattern I chose is Scylla and so far so good. I am actually considerably further along than shown. I have made it though the heel flap and have one more repeat on the leg before I need to switch to cuff. But I haven’t gotten a picture of that.

Finally, I have revived my Facebook page. I still have … issues … with Facebook and their complete lack of regard for anyone’s privacy settings, but so many people use Facebook it seemed silly to continue to be a stubborn cuss. So if you want to check me out over there feel free to poke around. I don’t really know what people are looking for out of a FB page so if you have suggestions please pipe up. I believe I have it set up so that anything I post here automagically shows up there – but we will see in a few, eh?

Anyone got anything exciting going on for March?