In between

There are things going on. Really, there are – I promise. It is just that there isn’t much of anything done right now so I don’t have anything interesting to show you. I mean, I finally finished the pair of socks that I started last February but they aren’t blocked. And I have a new shawl that is almost ready for prime time – but also not blocked.
I have a hat that is shaping up pattern wise but it hasn’t been, you know, cast-on? 😉 There are a couple of cowls in the planning stage and a couple of shawls in the stewing stage … really not anything to blog about. I bought a new camera! That’s something right? A Nikon D610 and I cannot wait to shoot some pictures with it. I bought it at a local camera place instead of ordering it online. It was a bit more expensive than I could have managed but it comes with a 3 hour class specifically on how to use this camera. So I thought that was worth it.
The Lace knit-a-long is going beautifully … ooh, that is something that I can talk about. How about pictures of a couple of other prizes?
Homespun 100% BFL 2 ply Laceweight

100% BFL 2 ply Laceweight

One of the awesome participants was gracious enough to donate not one, but two skeins of hand-spun yarn.
As the label says Silk BABY!

As the label says Silk BABY! Also lace-weight.

They are stunning and some lucky knitter will win them. I cannot imagine spinning these, it is pretty much a miracle-type thing to me. But I bet that they would be awesome to knit with! Thank you so much for your generosity Margaret!
If you are itching to get your hands on one of these skeins of yarn, come join in the -a long and try your chances! If you have thoughts on knitting with hand-spun, I would love to hear them in the comments. I have never tried to do it and wonder what the benefits & pitfalls are to the process? I can see designing something for hand-spun, but I would have to understand better first.