Cowls and Scarves

Recently I have found myself on a bit of a scarf tangent. I have found that I love both designing & knitting them. I decided to write this post to find out if I have any compatriots out there. How do you, gentle reader, feel about scarves?

Do you like them long or short? Skinny or wide? Warming or decorative? YES PLEASE to all is how I feel, but I know that there might be dissent and I would love to hear it.

So far I have not published many “traditional” scarves (I define traditional as long rectangles). No. Mr Bond I Expect You to Die, Ziggurat, and Gyre and Gimble fall into that category.

Captive by Barbara Benson

Captive is traditionally shaped as well

For non-traditional scarves I think I would branch out to include Curiosity as well as …and Curiouser. Hmmmm, maybe I have created more scarves than I initially surmised? Possibly this is not a new infatuation but simply a dawning realization? This could take some pondering …

Oh well, onward & upward. 😉 Considering that cowls are frequently referred to as “infinity scarves” and that they serve the same purpose I tend to lump them into the same category and I have many of the same questions.

Do you prefer long or short cowls? Tall  or short? Decorative or functional? Inquiring minds want to know. I have designed both close-to-the-neck pieces and long dangly things. Most recently the shorter ones have been occupying my imagination (see Oh Bother and McClanahan) but perhaps I should revisit the long/super long version? For some reason I have only designed two in this style, Code Breaker and Rollercoaster. Both of which I still love.

I mean look at this:

Rollercoaster, long infinity scarf by Barbara Benson

She’s all like BAM!

It makes me smile whenever I see it. The photo is so much fun and so is the cowl … but what is the perfect length for a “long” cowl like this? For that matter, what is the perfect length for a short one? These are the kind of questions that keep me up at night. Silly, I know.

I would love to hear thoughts from y’all on these weighty subjects. Please feel free to let me know what’s what in the comments!

3 thoughts on “Cowls and Scarves

  1. I realized the other day that I have been almost unconsciously collecting cowl patterns, even though I’ve never made one or been all that interested in them. So maybe there’s something in the water, or the air, that’s making me want a warm neck! For cowls, I think “long” should be enough for a double or triple wrap, and “short” should be enough for a single. For scarves, I tend to like longer and wider. I like them to wrap twice around on the looser side, tie, and still have enough left to tuck into my coat.

  2. I’m partial to the single cowls and shorter scarves (unless they are long enough to wrap once and still be short). Way back when dirt was new and before you were born I heard about Isadora Duncan. And then many, many, many years later I heard Edna Mode warning, nay, FORBIDDING capes for the same reason. Safety first!

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